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Kim David Hauser looking for a job
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About Me

Old / Original Website

My Skills

Project Management

Creating tailor-made solutions for my business customers has fulfilled me for years. What my clients want is of crucial importance to me and I always strive to exceed their expectations.

Mobile Develpoment

Mobile app development is my core competency, which I have been pursuing for more than over 10 years now. Android and iOS (Native or with Cordova and NodeJS or Reactive).

Web development

Responsive Web-Sites, -Service and -Sockets with state of the art tech. Material design using CMS and Frameworks of your choice and that fits best to your needs. OAuth and the latest security measures.

3D / Game Development

Since about 5 years now I'm investing part of my freetime and also some business time into creating 3D Projects and Game development. Read more about that by scrolling further down.

About Me

Software developer with heart and soul since 1991. I have a variety of successful projects going on worldwide.

I began my IT experience in 1991 when I got my first PCs and started learning programming autodidactically. In 1999, I began my studies to become a certified software engineer and successfully completed them in 2003.

In my recent positions, I have worked in diverse fields and industries for employers in international environments and acquired a comprehensive set of skills and techniques.

Over the last few years I have worked intensively in mobile / web app development and 3D design and have also trained further. For my professional future, I would like to have a responsible and meaningful engagement in one of these areas.

I enjoy working independently and preferably working from home-office. Of course, there is always a need for regular communication with the company and customers, but I know myself best and know how to achieve optimal performance. That's the way it is.

My portfolio / CV

My recent work

Some of my work for private and business customers of mine from the last couple of years.

Want to see more?

Check out my portfolio and CV.

Projects as a self-employed person

Do you want to get to know me personally and find out something about what I did as a self-employed person and in my freetime?
Member Photo
Hi visitors

I appreciate your interest in my person, my work and that you are visiting my page. Please feel free to Google me as well.

Kim David Hauser
Senior Software Engineer & Project Manager
Recent Private Projects
Web Design
Games / 3D
  • A 3D variant of the 2D game Snake with Swift and SceneKit
  • A 2D shooter game similar to Moorhuhn made with Swift and SceneKit. You have to vaccinate zombies to save the world.
Android Apps
  • A worktime reporting tool with GPS functionallities. You can use the GPS data and also automate recurring jobs.
  • Android Weatherstation App for the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Note 4
Unreal Engine Projects
Online Videos

Some Reviews

Do you want to know what my customers think? Here are some reviews and feedbacks about private projects of mine.
  • Nice and free - Looks awesome from a newbie perpective. UE5 PlayerStartPlugin
    August 2, 2022
  • This should be default behavior! - Great plugin, works as advertised, very handy.UE5 PlayerStartPlugin
    August 15, 2022
  • i love it so much. Visualize Input Event Plugin (VIEPlugin)
    August 6, 2023
  • My vote of 5 - спасибо Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File Version Changer
    April 27, 2010
  • Useful - Thanks a lot for sharing Evaluate C# Code (Eval Function)
    December 14, 2018
  • My vote of 5 - Nice util!! Middle Mouse Button (or Wheel) to Doubleclick (VC6)
    September 8, 2010

Business partners

Some business partners for which I've created software projects for and worked for
TeleportSysBase - UE5 Plugin
Watch the intro video about the TeleportSysBase for Unreal Engine 5

Contact Me

No matter whether it's about a job offer or you just want to get to know me, I'll get back to you personally.

Where to meet

Kim David Hauser
Anywhere in the city
CH-8004 Zürich

Say Hello

Phone: +41 (0)76 239 42 44
About Kim David Hauser

We are what we are, no matter who we think we are.

Phone: +41 (0)76 239 42 44


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