Amicable Numbers - In GOlang. This is my version of Hello World for starting with GOlang. Cheerz!


package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("*                                                                *")
	fmt.Println("*  AMICABLE NUMBERS version 0.0.1, (c.) by DaVe                  *")
	fmt.Println("*  2019-12-30, 21:50:06                                          *")
	fmt.Println("*                                                                *")
	fmt.Println("*  Welcome to AMICABLE NUMBERS in GO language, by   *")
	fmt.Println("*  This is a CLI program for finding amicable numbers in a       *")
	fmt.Println("*  range of Integers and print them to standard output           *")
	fmt.Println("*                                                                *")
	fmt.Println("*                *")
	fmt.Println("*                                                                *")
	fmt.Println("*  Report any problems and feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.          *")
	fmt.Println("*                                                                *")

	fmt.Print("Enter START number (i.e. 1): ")
	var startNum int
	fmt.Scanf("%d", &startNum)
	fmt.Print("Enter END number (i.e. 10000): ")
	var endNum int
	fmt.Scanf("%d", &endNum)

	var numList []int
	for i := startNum; i <= endNum; i++ {
		if(!contains(numList, i)){
			var quer = calcSum(i)
			if(quer != i){
				if(i == calcSum(quer)){
					numList = append(numList, quer)
					fmt.Printf("%d: %d <=> %d\n", len(numList), i, quer)
	fmt.Printf("Search finished. Found %d number(s) between %d and %d\n", len(numList), startNum, endNum)       

func calcSum(num int) int {
	var sum int = 1
	for i := 2; i <= int(math.Sqrt(float64(num))); i++ {
		if(math.Mod(float64(num), float64(i)) == 0){
			sum += i + (num / i)
	return sum

func contains(s []int, e int) bool {
	for _, a := range s {
		if a == e {
			return true
	return false

Console output

*                                                                *
*  AMICABLE NUMBERS version 0.0.1, (c.) by DaVe                  *
*  2019-12-30, 21:50:06                                          *
*                                                                *
*  Welcome to AMICABLE NUMBERS in GO language, by   *
*  This is a CLI program for finding amicable numbers in a       *
*  range of Integers and print them to standard output           *
*                                                                *
*                *
*                                                                *
*  Report any problems and feedback to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.          *
*                                                                *
Enter START number (i.e. 1): 1
Enter END number (i.e. 10000): 10000
1: 220 <=> 284
2: 1184 <=> 1210
3: 2620 <=> 2924
4: 5020 <=> 5564
5: 6232 <=> 6368
Search finished. Found 5 number(s) between 1 and 10000
